N64 Retro Gaming Group
Hello, I am looking to create an N64 retro gaming group here in Graz! If you have fond memories of playing Mario Kart 64, Mario Party 64, GoldenEye 64 or any other group games during the 90s please write and lets put together a retro gaming group!
Looking for Love
Desperate romantic here who is looking for love in Graz. I do not like the dating apps so much since some of the intrigue is lost when it is just picture based. Let us create a foundation based on writing where we share our wildest passions with each other!
Seeking Business Partner
Hello! I am looking for a business partner who can further develop personly. Areas of responsibility would include marketing, sales and product development. There is a huge equity/ownership stake possible and being able to work fully remotely is a requirement as well. You must be self motivated and hungry for the opportunity to build something special!
Götzis, Vorarlberg, Austria
Looking for some light fun
Looking for some light fun with a guy. I am visiting Götzis every so often for work and staying in a hotel ;)