
An overview of all features available to you on our platform

Anonymous Personals

Anonymous personals mean freedom of expression without risk of public exposure

Safe and Anonymous

Reveal Yourself when you Want

Available Worldwide

The World at your Fingertips

Explore Yourself

Easily Match specific Genders

Token Based

Tokenized personals ensure that you only spend what you want when you want

Decide your Engagement Level

Spend More to Match More

Free Tokens upon Signup

Meeting People is now Affordable

Only Pay for What you Use

Full Refund for Cancelled Personals

Smart Matching

Intelligent matching is based on how people communicate and the feedback provided

Verification System

Match Only Verified Personals

Mature Content Filter

Match Only SFW Content

Notification System

Get Notified about new Matches

Instant Messaging

Directly message your matches, share photos, build connections, or easily cancel them

Cancel Matches

Do not Reply and Receive Refund

Who Writes First Solved

If you Match First, Write First

Photo Sharing

Share Photos with your Matches

Innovative Marketing

Leverage our matching system to target new audiences easily and effectively!

Target Audiences

Be specific or general

Create Organizations

Create sponsored personals

Promote Events

Match people with events

Referral System

Our referral system bringing in new users and earns rewards for promoters!

Share your Link

Promote to your followers

Register Users

Increase our brand visibility

Reap the Rewards

Earn discounts on token purchases!